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Pregnancy Massage

Massage therapy is therapeutic at all stages of pregnancy, helping to alleviate anxiety and some of the aches and pains common to pregnancy, provided positions and strokes appropriate for the stage of pregnancy are used.

If your pregnancy is progressing uneventfully, massage is safe and highly beneficial, as long as normal precautions and considerations within the first trimester are taken by the massage therapist. 

If there are current medical issues, a brief medical clearance will need to be written from your doctor/midwife giving approval for you to receive massage therapy before we start.

Antenatal massage performed will be a relaxation style (no heavy, deep tissue work), although some specific remedial strokes can be gently applied to any specific areas of muscular tension if preferred.

For your safety to avoid direct pressure on your uterus and reflex points, only gentle effleurage massage strokes will be applied to the lower back and sacrum area or to the region surrounding your ankles.

Types of Massage Offered

  • Full body

  • Neck, shoulders and back (seated upright)

  • Feet

  • Hands

For your safety and comfort after the first trimester, full body massage requires positioning on a standard massage table with multiple cushions in either a side-lying position or in a semi-reclined position with a large cushioned wedge support.

A massage for the neck, shoulders and back, or a hands or feet massage can be done in an upright position seated on a chair.

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The venue for massage therapy depends upon the type of massage position used. If you would prefer the use of a massage table, I would ask that you travel to me in Dubbo for the appointment.
If a massage table is not required, the appointment can be held in your home for your convenience. If you would like a full body massage but are unable to travel, please ask me and we can often negotiate something to suit better.

Postnatal Massage

Massage therapy is highly therapeutic in the post-natal period, helping the mother to physically and emotionally recover following the birth. 

Care is taken to ensure that positioning for massage and the technique used are safe and comfortable.

If there are any medical issues, a brief medical clearance will need to be written from your doctor/midwife giving approval for you to receive massage therapy before we start.

Postnatal massage types and techniques performed will be a relaxation style or gentle remedial, however more gentle pressure can safely be incorporated for post-natal mothers if preferred.

Essential oils can be mixed with the massage oil as an option if desired to enhance the therapeutic effect. If used, these will be chosen as to their safety in the postnatal period and your personal aroma preference.

As with pregnancy massage, the venue depends on the type of massage you request. Massage can be done in your home unless a massage table will be required. If you would like a full body massage and are unable to travel, please discuss with me and we can work something out.

Please contact me for further information or for current fees for massage appointments and travel fees (if applicable).